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A webinar with the academic world

As part of a webinar with Shobhit University, Sanjay Sethi, Executive Director PBFIA, was a keynote speaker during the 62nd Edition of the National Webinar Series on Doubling Farmers’ Income by 2022.
The Chairman of Centre for Agricultural Informatics and e-Governance Research Studies (CAIRS), Prof Moni Madaswamy was the moderator. The discussion centred around the topic Sustainable Food Production with a focus on the growing plant-based foods sector.
Mr Sethi touched upon pressing issues related to sustainable food production, food security and food justice. With the change in choices of concerned consumers, there is a need for organisations to take note and adapt to the changing demands. This can be achieved with the support of the government. He also highlighted the opportunities in the plant-based sector to inspire young minds to take up professions in the sector.
Shobhit University is a Meerut based educational institute that offers Undergraduate, Postgraduate as well as Phd programs.
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